What is North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP)
North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) is part of Frankfurt Zoological Society and heads up conservation in the North Luangwa National Park. In 1986, in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, the Frankfurt Zoological Society initiated this programme to help save the park from heavy poaching.
Thirty years later this initiative has effectively reduced poaching and brought wildlife back from the brink of local extinction – including the critically endangered black rhino. In 2003, black rhinos were reintroduced to the park, with the goal of re-establishing a viable, breeding population of this critically endangered species.
The programme supports the overall management of the North Luangwa ecosystem: law enforcement and anti-poaching, park operations and infrastructure development, ranger training, management planning, and engaging communities through technical and financial support to their community resource boards, and youth through its conservation education programme.