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Tag Archives: Photography

Leopard, wild dogs, hyena and a golden sunrise

Leopard, wild dogs, hyena and a golden sunrise

An unlucky puku On an evening patrol drive, I came across a leopard hunting. While she was patiently stalking a small herd of female puku in an opening, a large male puku flushed from his dambo territory patch and ran right across her path. Not looking the gift horse in the mouth, she launched herself […]

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Perseverance pays off

2016 They say you can’t change a leopard’s spots… but unfortunate instances such as snare damage are a real risk to all animals. It is unsure whether this particular male leopard lost his paw to a snare, or was born with this condition, but what we do know is that he has shown some serious […]

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End of season microlight flip

The last few days of the 2019 season saw an opportunity for a photographic microlight trip with John, to check on the state of the roads for departure, the state of the Chikoko Trails camps which had been taken down, and to have one last glimpse of the wilderness before months of absence. Below are […]

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The hippo, the crocs, the lions, the stork and the Rugby World Cup 2019..

Our last week at Tafika has been packed with action. It has been wrapping up guest visits, de-camping and stock taking, of course watching the 2019 Rugby World Cup Finals and enjoying our last moments with the Luangwa Wildlife before departing for the off-season. These lions had been around for a few weeks, and I […]

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Takwela through a lens

We recently got a camera to send around with our guides to afford them the opportunity to dabble in photography, as well as to get regular images from our camps. These are a few of the images from Takwela Camp in North Luangwa, run by guide Alex Phiri. Takwela is Remote Africa’s newest addition to […]

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Tafika Elephant Hide

We are incredibly fortunate to have a lovely natural depression in front of Tafika Camp which holds water until reasonably late in the season. This water, along with the rising temperatures and the ripening of seed pods and fruits in a number of trees bring regular family groups of elephants to the camp. Tafika Camp […]

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